As a photo location Florian Froschmayer wanted a maritime background that reflects his trip to Hamburg. We arranged to meet the director at the Zeishallen, one of the very first projects for the restoration of old factories. This is where the legendary ship propeller factory stood at the time. Now the circle closes and we get a connection to the maritime background, albeit without water. Our meeting point is Hamburg's famous Filmhaus pub, it used to be the crux of the 80s movie cult scene. Florian Froschmayer, in his fresh and young way, is somehow also a classic: a lateral entrant coming from the craft, a worker and creative beyond the craft. We sit across from a stylish man... we start chatting about YouTube stars, about virtual currencies, like Facebook likes, and agree that observing these flows is quite interesting.

I think Florian Froschmayer prefers to define himself through his work rather than through private things. I don't actually learn too much about his private life, except that he lives with his wife in the old west of Berlin. You can find out what else he revealed in our interview clip, which was created during the portrait shoot. 


Ajouré MEN Magazin (03/15/17)


t-online (12/30/15)